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  • Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

    Covers the causes and symptoms of juvenile idiopathic arthritis, also called juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Looks at treatment with NSAIDs, physical therapy, and possibly shots of steroid medicine. Includes tips for helping your child cope with JIA.

  • Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Surgery

    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) uses electrical pulses to stimulate an area of the brain. This can change the activity in that area of the brain. You may need two surgeries to implant the devices that stimulate the brain. Most often, DBS is used to relieve symptoms of Parkinson's disease when...

  • Using Nitroglycerin for Angina

    Discusses using nitroglycerin to treat angina. Covers how to take quick-acting nitroglycerin. Provides info on side effects and interactions with other drugs. Covers how to store nitroglycerin. Includes info on when to call for emergency help.

  • Pallidotomy for Parkinson's Disease

    In Parkinson's disease, a part of the brain called the globus pallidus is overactive. This causes a decrease in the activity of a different part of the brain that controls movement. In a pallidotomy, the surgeon destroys a tiny part of the globus pallidus by creating a scar. This reduces...

  • Ebola or Marburg Virus Infection

    What is an Ebola or Marburg virus infection? Ebola and Marburg virus diseases are rare but often deadly diseases that are caused by the Ebola or Marburg virus. A person who is sick with one of these viruses can spread the infection to others. These are known as hemorrhagic viruses,...

  • Prevent Medical Errors

    Medical errors are mistakes in health care that could have been prevented. They can occur in hospitals, clinics, surgery centers, doctors' offices, nursing homes, pharmacies, and your home. Errors can involve medicines, surgery, diagnosis, home treatment, equipment, or lab reports. Medical errors may result in injury or...

  • Menstrual Cramps

    Briefly discusses menstrual cycles, primary and secondary dysmenorrhea, and problems such as pelvic infections or growths. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.

  • Mind-Body Wellness

    Covers how your thoughts can affect your mental and physical health. Offers tips on positive thinking, including having positive expectations.

  • Swollen Glands, Hernias, and Other Lumps Under the Skin

    Briefly discusses possible causes of swollen glands and other lumps under the skin. Covers bacterial and viral infections, noncancerous growths, hernias, aneurysms, and swelling caused by cancer. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.

  • Male Genital Problems and Injuries

    Briefly discusses male genital problems and injuries. Looks at testicle, penis, and scrotum symptoms. Covers rashes and infections. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.

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