Types of Gifts

Your donation will help MidState Medical Center sustain our work of providing expert and compassionate care to patients and their families in times of great need.

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There are a multitude of wonderful and easy ways to support MidState Medical Center:

Online Gift

Generously donate online and help MidState Medical Center strengthen our mission to provide the highest quality health care possible for our patients.

Annual Campaign

The generosity of individuals each year sustains MidState Medical Center’s margin of excellence. Your gifts support extraordinary opportunities and have both an immediate and long lasting impact on the patients and the community.

Stocks and Securities

Many donors find it advantageous, from a tax standpoint, to make outright gifts of securities that have increased in value since purchase. Such gifts can avoid capital gains taxes and transfers are easy to arrange. Securities may be transferred directly to the hospital's broker or mailed unendorsed to the Development Office. It is also possible to make gifts of mutual fund shares.

A brochure describing how to make a gift of stock is available by request from the Development office, 860.224.5567.

Tribute Gifts

Tribute Gifts memorialize the loss of a loved one, honor a friend, family member, caregiver, doctor, nurse or colleague, or commemorate a special occasion.


We accept gifts-in-kind (non-cash items) when they are appropriate for programs in the hospital. Please contact the Development office for more information on how to make this type of gift. All gifts will be acknowledged by the hospital.

Endowed Named Funds

Donors who wish to make a major gift of $25,000 or more may establish an endowed named fund that will generate funds into perpetuity. These funds may be used to support the hospital's general purposes and mission, or may be designated for a specific purpose or area within the hospital. 

Your donations help MidState Medical Center deliver innovative healthcare in our community; an entire generation lives happier and healthier – thanks to you.

Matching Gifts

A way to double your gift

Individual gifts may also be eligible for a matching contribution from a donor’s company. Many corporations and businesses nationwide offer matching gift programs. Employees, retirees and/or employees’ spouses all have the opportunity to maximize their contribution through a company match. 

By taking advantage of a company’s matching gift benefit, you may be able to double the amount of your gift to MidState Medical Center. Employer matching gifts are a great way for you to maximize your personal contributions to the hospital and to increase the impact of your gift.

Please contact your human resources or matching gifts department to see if matching gifts are offered at your company. If your company is eligible, request a matching gift form from your employer and send completed form with your payment or receipt of payment and we will do the rest. If your employer does not participate, please contact your human resources or matching gifts department to see if you can establish a matching gifts program with MidState Medical Center. 

Follow these 3 simple steps to apply for a Matching Gift:

  1. Obtain a matching gift form and program guidelines from your human resources or matching gifts department.
  2. Fill in the Employee section of the form and send it to MidState Medical Center with your donation, or if you’ve made your contribution online simply complete the form, noting your donation, and mail it to:
    MidState Medical Center
    Department of Philanthropy
    435 Lewis Avenue
    Meriden, CT 06451
  3. We will complete the form and return it to your employer’s matching gifts office for processing. Your company will send its matching gift directly to MidState Medical Center.

For more information about Matching Gifts, contact the Department of Philanthropy at 203.694.8743 or via email at midstatedevelopment@hhchealth.org

Planned Giving

Wills and Bequests

Have you considered extending your generosity beyond your lifetime by naming MidState Medical Center in your will? A bequest of a specific amount or a percentage of the residue of your estate allows you the flexibility of supporting the future of our hospital while ensuring the ultimate care of loved ones. 

The Infinity Circle recognizes individuals and families, during their lifetime, who have made a minimum of a $10,000 gift through their wills or have made other estate plans to benefit our hospital. 

If you have made plans for such a gift to our hospital, please contact the Development Office so that we may recognize you as a member of our Infinity Circle, which includes annual invitations to special events. 

For your convenience, the Development Office has sample language that can be used in your will.

Real Estate and Other Tangible Property

As with gifts of long-term capital gain securities, a donor is entitled to a charitable deduction for gifts of personal property within long-term capital gains, such as real estate, works of art, antiques and other tangible personal property. Although the responsibility for appraisal rests with the donor, that expense is tax-deductible for donors who itemize. It is also possible to make a gift of real estate and, if the donor wishes, retain the right to live on the property during one's lifetime.

Charitable Gift Annuities

MidState Medical Center offers charitable gift annuities that provide lifelong payments with an attractive return rate for one or two lives. Establish an annuity for a minimum of only $10,000 – a wonderful way to increase your annual income, cut your taxes, and at the same time make a significant gift to our hospital.

Gifts of Insurance

Individuals may make a planned gift through a gift of life insurance. If MidState Medical Center is both the owner and the beneficiary and the gift is irrevocable, the premiums are tax-deductible. If the gift is a paid-up policy with no additional premiums required, there is an immediate income tax deduction equal to the replacement value of the policy.

Charitable Remainder Trust

Donors may transfer assets in the form of cash, securities or property to a trust, naming a trustee to manage the assets and make distribution in accordance with the wishes of the donor as expressed by the terms of the trust. Because these trusts are irrevocable, they offer certain advantages to the donor: no capital gains tax is associated with the transfer of the gift which funds the trust; assets are managed by a professional, such as a bank; and, in many cases, the trust will produce substantially more income than was produced by the assets that were used to create the trust. 

There are two basic types of charitable remainder trusts:

  • Charitable Remainder Unitrust - A unitrust pays the beneficiary a fixed percentage of the trust assets valued annually.
  • Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust - The annuity trust pays a fixed amount to the beneficiary annually.

Because each method of giving has its own specific tax benefits, donors should tailor their gift to the method or methods that best suit their personal situations. An individual should consult with his or her professional advisor or attorney for any legal advice associated with a planned/deferred gift to MidState Medical Center. The Development office staff is also available to discuss all of these options at your convenience.

More Information

For information on giving to MidState Medical Center, call the Development Office, 860.224.5567.

Development Office

Philanthropy Department Contacts

David A. Hall

Regional Director of Philanthropy & Volunteer Services

Tina M. Fabiani

Manager of Philanthropy

Jennifer Milardo

Development Coordinator