Center for Education Simulation & Innovation (CESI)

CESI is one of the only facilities in the country to offer a fully-comprehensive range of robotic and high-technology training capabilities.

Hartford Hospital is home to Connecticut’s first simulation center which has grown into CESI, the centerpiece of Hartford Hospital’s pioneering vision to revamp the medical educational system. CESI is a regional and national training destination. As the second-largest surgical center in New England and the Northeast’s largest robotic surgery center, Hartford Hospital continues to be a hub for medical training. CESI features exact replicas of an operating room, intensive care unit, delivery room and trauma room. It has the same equipment as the hospital, including two da Vinci robots and two robotic simulators designed especially for training purposes.

CESI accommodates most clinical areas and has seen its programs grow exponentially. The Departments of Anesthesia, Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Ob-Gyn and Surgery use the facility to orient their first-year residents and fellows to their clinical practices. The residents are able to experience hands-on training without the added pressure of performing tasks on real people. It builds their confidence and allows them to learn, practice and repeat procedures in a controlled, non-rushed environment.

CESI trains thousands of medical personnel annually, including U.S. Navy and National Guard personnel, as well as Israeli paramedics, in addition to Hartford HealthCare staff members and students.

Visit the CESI Website

Center for Education, Simulation & Innovation