MidState Medical Center Wound Care Team Wins Excellence in the Workplace Award

October 10, 2014

MidState Medical Center Wound Care Team Wins Excellence in the Workplace AwardTreating hard-to-heal wounds is an expert specialty of MidState Medical Center's Advanced Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine team that requires a high level of care and commitment. The hundreds of patients treated by the team every year can attest to their excellence, and this year, the Connecticut Nurses' Association (CAN) will too: the team has been selected by the CNA as the recipient of the 2014 Excellence in the Workplace Award.

The Excellence in the Workplace Award recognizes a workplace that empowers nurses to create an environment that promotes professional autonomy and control over nursing practice.

"In giving this award, the Connecticut Nurses' Association recognizes the contributions this team has made to integrate evidenced-based best practices, lifelong learning, and patient-centered care," said Kimberly Sandor, MSN, RN, FNP, executive director, Connecticut Nurses' Association.

The Wound Care team has without a doubt lived up to these attributes. In an effort to foster lifelong learning and deliver the highest quality of care to their patients, 100 percent of the team's full and part-time nursing staff is certified by a national board in wound care or hyperbaric medicine.

Additionally, the team meets weekly with the medical director to discuss all new patients, their diagnoses, and the best plan of care; they also discuss new and novel wound care products and treatments, as well as anything they can do to improve their patients' outcomes.

The team's healing rates, the most significant quality measure in their specialty, are greater than 92 percent. Patient satisfaction scores always average higher than 94 percent. Both are consistently above national averages.

It is no surprise that this team was also selected as MidState's 2014 Team of the Year, a hospital-based recognition program in which employees can nominate outstanding teams that exceed their customers' expectations.

"We are all so invested in making sure we do a good job. I always say what we give is compassion combined with excellence and a touch of humor. Everyone on the team is so excited to have won this award. To be selected among teams across the entire state is truly an honor," said Catherine "Cookie" Henderson, RN, BSN, CHRN, CWCN, the team's clinical resource leader.

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