LaPlanche Clinic Celebrates Open House and Ribbon Cutting

March 26, 2015

Ribbon-Cutting-LaPlanche-ClinicMidState Medical Center and the Meriden Senior Center held an open house and formal ribbon cutting ceremony March 25 to celebrate the renovation of its jointly operated LaPlanche Clinic. The LaPlanche Clinic, which has served area seniors for over 35 years, is staffed by a MidState nurse who provides health screenings and referrals. In September the clinic underwent renovations that included fresh paint, new furniture and eye-pleasing decor. "Serving the community through the LaPlanche Clinic has been rewarding for MidState, and we hope it has been equally rewarding for the senior center and those we serve," said Cindy Russo, Vice President, Operations, MidState Medical Center.

Photo: Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

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